random thoughts and trivia

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Christmas Spirit

All the hassles about the fraudulent eBay seller has really distracted me from Christmas preparations. I'm now way too far behind in some of them. Not to mention ruining my holiday spirit.

I'm supposed to be running the competition at my "office Christmas party." It's a TRIVIA game, of course. :) And I have managed to put together a good set of questions and make the copies of them to be handed out at the party. What I am seriously behind in, is my efforts to handcraft the winner's prize. I'm think I'm going to need to buy something at the last minute. *sigh* All because of that ^#%'ing eBay seller.

The party is tomorrow at lunchtime. (It's basically a pot luck lunch with trivia game.) And I don't have any food cooked to take either. ARGH.

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