random thoughts and trivia

Friday, December 16, 2005

Make Your Own Computer

I wrote earlier about an effort to make $100. computers available to every child in the developing world.

Where here's someone else (that's not a child in the developing world) who wants a similar computer. Only, unlike myself, this person has the knowhow to make their own!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Another Theory

One of the comments to another blog's post (about a diet anomaly) gave me quite a laugh: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English apparently is what kills you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wrong Purse

I just noticed this old Boingboing article from their archive. It's about a Brass-knuckle purse getting it's owner arrested and is YET ANOTHER reason for not wanting to fly anywhere, any time soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What should you do with your money?

Here's a list of useful money tips for those ... uh ... "downwardly mobile" in our current economy.

UPDATE: There seems to be something wrong with the link above, so if it doesn't work for you, just copy and paste the following URL into your browser: http://www.janegalt.net/blog/archives/005614.html

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dangerous Squirrels!

You know I'm a cat-person who's not so fond of dogs, but even I'm doubtful that the poor dog in this article deserved to be killed by a pack of squirrels.

According to the news report the dog was barking the squirrels up in the trees (in a park). Witnesses say the squirrels jumped down, attacked the dog, and killed it.

Via Boingboing

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This evening I finally made it to the movie theater to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and I was lucky, the theater was mostly empty of children (due no doubt to it being a late showing on a Sunday night).

Based on the fourth book which is my least favorite Harry Potter novel, this movie nevertheless was better, in my opinion, than the third one which I had found rather lacking; so surprisingly I would rate this movie much higher than I had expected.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Secure an Apache Webserver

Here's a useful web page; well, useful if you need to secure an Apache webserver running on a Unix or Linux system.

Via wholelottanothing

Friday, December 09, 2005

Inappropriate Behavior

While unfortunately the general public seems to be just shrugging this incident off as the unfortunate result of a mentally ill person behaving inappropriately; at least one other blogger shares my skepticism of the official story told to justify killing an airline passenger.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blogshares Revisited

And my Blogshares value is still essentially nil...

They never did respond to my suggestion for the correct "industry" of my blog either. *sigh*

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

More Airline "Safety"

Why am I not comforted by the fact that air marshals shot and killed a man for running OFF an airplane in a panic?

Maybe because I'm (at best) a nervous flyer myself and can easily picture someone else just wanting to get off a crowded flight.

And then too, there's the fact that I saw on TV one witness who reported that the man had said there's a bomb on the plane, NOT THAT HE HAD A BOMB himself!

What if the guy had been a psychic? Or in this case, someone mentally ill who just (in his panic) feared that there was a bomb or something else threatening on that plane?

And for this an air marshal killed him?

Well, it sure looks that way to me!

Yet again I am faced with the prospect that I do NOT want to fly in a plane at any point in the near future. It just isn't SAFE!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Real Snow

We got our first real snow of the season today (the little pre-Thanksgiving flurries don't count), so I stayed home from work today. I am such a chicken! *giggle*

Monday, December 05, 2005

Pride and Prejudice

As I've said here before I really, really do not like movie remakes. However, even though I really liked the Pride and Prejudice miniseries I'd seen on A & E, I hadn't particularly cared for the original Green Garson/Lawrence Olivier movie version so I decided to take a chance and see the remake yesterday.

And I was pleasantly surprised at good this movie version of Pride and Prejudice actually was as compared to the miniseries. It was also definitely better than the earlier movie version, in my opinion.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Airline Security

Here's a link to yet another article that shows how unsettling current US airline security really has become.

Call me cynical, but when this article refers to the hodge podge collection of names on the no-fly list, my first thought is the list was probably compiled by running credit checks and using the results to decide who is not to be trusted on an airplane.

Via Boingboing

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Crystal Radio

If you've ever wondered what a crystal radio is all about, here's a link to web page that shows how to make your own crystal radio.

(No I haven't personally made one of these, but years ago I DID MAKE a crystal radio from a Radio Shack kit.)

Via Boingboing

Friday, December 02, 2005

Showing Off

Well maybe it wasn't EXACTLY showing off, but when I returned to work today I DID SHOW several co-workers along with my boss the "Nanowrimo Winners Certificate" that I'd earned by reaching the goal of writing a 50k word novel within the month of November.

Of course I'm not really finished. That 50k represents just a first draft. Plus several scenes of the novel remain to be written. *sigh* I'm planning on taking a few days off from writing to try and recuperate first.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sleeping ...

Today I celebrated my Nanowrimo success by staying home from work and SLEEPING all day! (Am I boring or what?) *giggle*

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