random thoughts and trivia

Monday, October 31, 2005

A Satirical Giant Ball of Tinfoil

This evening has been very nerve wracking since nanowrimo officially begins at one second after midnight tonight (ie. 12:01 AM Nov 1) and I am both anxious to begin the challenge yet woefully ill-prepared to write something as long as 50k words. ARGH!

In the meantime, I just watched a really funny bit on Jon Stewart's satirical  'Daily Show'.  He was trying to talk to one of his  "reporters"  about the latest supreme court nominee.   However, the  "reporter"  was totally distracted by a giant ball of tinfoil,  "So shiny!"  that was being displayed on the White House lawn (obviously for that very media reaction).  rofl

Sunday, October 30, 2005

How to Make a Terrarium

Since I seem to chronically kill houseplants, I've resorted to a firm rule: plants belong outdoors in the yard somewhere (or if they MUST be indoors then they have to be in a terrarium).

The terrarium exception is because I've had much better luck with plants in a terrarium than with any other kind of indoors plant. Once I even managed to have a thriving terrarium for several years. That is, it survived until I moved and the lighting conditions of the new residence differed drastically from the old homestead.

Anyway there's a site for those of you who don't know how to make your own terrarium. (And how could you not know? Except the author of the web site seems to think that the process is some mysterious thing that only a select few have mastered.) Anyway, here's the site with instructions on how to make your own terrarium.

via clicked

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Procrastination Hack

This so called procrastination hack seems like a great way for me to get something done since I'm a chronic procrastinator.

Although I dunno which it will help more:
  1. my nanowrimo efforts (on whose forum boards I stumbled across the link to the procrastination-hack technique)

  2. or my messy home environment (where I regularly fail miserably to achieve my own vow to tidy up).
One of my reasons for signing up for nanowrimo this year, was the knowledge that my efforts to AVOID writing often lead to bursts of cleaning. *giggle*

Friday, October 28, 2005


Stuck looking for a cheap Halloween costume at the last minute?

This site has printable Star Wars masks available for free download.

Via boingboing

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I really like audiobooks and I suspect that their popularity will only increase over the next few years. My prediction is that aging baby boomers will increasingly find large print books and audiobooks both more comfortable ways of reading than getting eyestrain from the print of regular books.

One of my earlier posts pointed out a really great source for audiobooks at a VERY reasonable price.

Another source is Gutenberg which has a few human read audiobooks for free download. They have many more audiobooks that are read by a computer-voice which, so far, hasn't been as good as those by the human readers.

Recently I've stumbled across a couple of other sources for audiobooks (or audio entertainment).

Librivox is recording (via volunteers) free audiobooks of public domain books. Ie. they've got humans reading and recording texts from Gutenberg.

And someone has started a free download of radio dramas which includes broadcast adaptions of literature. He calls it "podcasting" but it's downloadable mp3's for free (or donations to keep his site afloat).

Then of course, there's your public library's collection of audiobooks. Where I live, I'm fortunate enough to have access to THREE different county library systems and their audiobook collections.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


This post about an internal Wal-Mart memo laying out their intension to discriminate against the disabled and those with a history of illness just gave me yet ANOTHER reason to hate Wal-Mart.

Gee, I can't remember the last time I shopped at Wal-Mart (it was months and months ago) and I have NO PLANS to go there any time soon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Magnetic Attraction

WOW! At only $89.95 if the Psychotronic Love Magnet™ really worked, it'd be quite a bargain.

Hmmmm ... wonder if I have a spare $89.95 lying around?

Via Strange New Products

Monday, October 24, 2005

Anniversary of Sniper Arrests

None of the major news organizations seemed to have made note of the fact that today is the third anniversary of the  October 24, 2002 Washington area sniper arrests.

Maybe it's a news story that a lot of the nation has forgotten or maybe it's just lost in the coverage of the latest hurricane but I remember the terror that this whole region went thru. I've lived in this area for about three decades and NEVER before had I feared walking across parking lots or pumping my own gas. Yet during that reign of terror, either action got ordinary people killed.

I still don't understand the true motives of the snipers; I can only say that I hope they both meet with capital punishment. (Their various trials continue thru different jurisdictions.)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Maryland Renaissance Festival

Despite my intensions as stated in this post, I actually only made it to the Maryland Renaissance Festival TODAY.

Horrendously rainy weather, extremely bad back/walking problems, and more cold rainy weather had all conspired against my attendance. Today was the last day for this year's festival so I managed to made it there on this sunny but only 60-ish degree day.

It was okay; really better than expected for the hour and half that I was there since I wore my winter coat (having nearly frozen there one year in similar temperatures). I got a tarot card reading, ate fish and chips, and managed to see two shows: O a Fool, and Dinty the Moore. Both shows were funny but not really my cup of tea.

None of my favorite performers were booked at the Maryland Renaissance Festival this year and only the prospect of a previously purchased ticket going to waste was enough to persuade me to brave the weather and finally go on the last possible day.

Oh well, I got home early enough to take a nap and still watch TV this evening.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Temperature - 40's 50's 60's

We've been having a lot of rain recently (after quite a drought) due to hurricane remnants, I think. And the high daytime temperature has been in the 50's or low 60's while the nighttime low has dipped into the 40's for the past week or so.

Sooooo, I finally had had enough. I turned on the heat in my place.


I know heating prices are predicted to rise a lot this winter, but honestly, I was cold. And I'd waited a reasonable time before resorting to the heat pump.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A Couple of Geeks

Today was just one of those days. Not that anything especially bad happened today, it's just that nothing especially good or even noteworthy happened either.

That makes blogging about today a <censored>!

About the only bit of news is I think that my sometimes writing partner is also going to sign up for NaNoWriMo. We talked (literally a im chat) and she seemed convinced to give it a try. (Actually she first suggested it to me - not knowing that I already had intensions!) This will be her first attempt.

We tried to brainstorm plots for our novels. We're both thinking of going for a sci-fi theme; what can I say, we're both geeks. *giggle*

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Developing a Plot for NaNoWriMo

Two libraries visited, more than half a dozen books skimmed, and four books actually checked-out (two from each library) later, I now have the BEGINNING of an idea -- as a possible plot.

Did I mention that I have never written anything longer than a short story before? (NaNoWriMo is for writing a 50k word length novel.) *ARGH*

And my short stories were fanfic (not characters that I'd generated myself).

I did say yesterday that I must be offically nuts, didn't I?


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I've just signed up for NaNoWriMo.
What is NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.
Does this mean I'm officially nuts?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Baltimore's Terror Alert

Today it was Baltimore's turn for a  terror alert.

Yeah, yeah, it might have been prompted by a real threat. Then again as noted here, it might not have been.

Gee, can you guess which way I think?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Night and Good Luck

Last night I saw the movie, Good Night and Good Luck, and today  BoingBoing  has a really nice writeup about it which begins:
If you haven't seen Good Night and Good Luck, you must.
Good Night and Good Luck is so good, so well done, that I want to add my own wish for everyone to see the movie and to understand what it's saying about journalism then  (versus now).

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Firefly Series DVDs

I stumbled upon this nice review of the Firefly Series DVDs.

Not that I need any convincing. *giggle* I've already purchased THREE sets. Hint - friends borrow them (a lot) so buying multiple sets is a good idea.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Three Berry Butter Cake

Here's a most unusual recipe asking for 6 CUPS of various berries. (I like to collect unusual recipes). I don't know how good it is (and I managed to lose the addy of just where I found it online -- sorry about that)  but it sure looks interesting.



This cake, bursting with berries, is perfect for a picnic. Dress it up for company with unsweetened whipped cream and a simple vanilla custard sauce.

Active time: 30 min Start to finish: 2 hr

1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 large eggs at room temperature
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons finely grated fresh lemon zest
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
6 cups mixed berries (1 3/4 lb) such as raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries
2 tablespoons confectioners sugar

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 13- by 9- by 2-inch metal baking pan, then line bottom with wax paper and grease paper.

Heat butter with cream in a small saucepan over low heat until melted, then cool.

Beat eggs, granulated sugar, and salt with an electric mixer on high speed until mixture is thick, pale, and forms a ribbon when beaters are lifted, about 5 minutes with a standing mixer or about 12 minutes with a handheld. Add zest, baking powder, and vanilla and mix on low speed until blended.

Add 1 1/4 cups flour and half of butter mixture and mix on low speed until blended. Mix in remaining butter and 1 1/4 cups flour in same manner. Increase speed to medium and beat 1 minute with a standing mixer or 2 minutes with a handheld, or until batter is thick and sticky. Add berries and carefully fold in with a rubber spatula until barely combined. (Raspberries will begin to fall apart, and batter will look slightly pink.) Spoon batter into baking pan, gently smoothing top. Bake in middle of oven until springy to the touch and a tester inserted into center comes out clean, 45 to 50 minutes. Cool completely in pan on a rack.

Run a knife around edge of cake, then invert rack over cake and flip cake onto it. Remove wax paper and reinvert onto a platter.

Just before serving, dust with confectioners sugar.

Makes 12 servings.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Worse Again

Well I made it thru a full day yesterday and today at work, but now my back is worse again. *sigh*

Is this it? Has my back finally succumbed to its predicted worsening? Note - my back wasn't "normal" before this last injury (already qualifying me for handicapped license plates on my car). I'm trying to maintain a positive outlook about this latest injury. (I hope that it's just slow to recover.)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Mike Causey's Comment

This quote from  Mike Causey's Federal Report:
The emergency DC evacuation plan is to clear the city in 6 hours, something we can't do during a normal rush hour. I figure the first hours, maybe days of a disaster, is that your feet will be your best friends. You may only have to run a block or two. Or you may have to walk dozens of miles. It's happened before. During the riots of the 1960s, during blizzards, during 9-11. And it will almost certainly happen again. Think about New Orleans!
does NOT make me feel warm and fuzzy about living in the DC area!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Well I went back to work today -- for half a day. And my back was a little worse afterwards but not a lot, so I count it a success.

And it's good that I did return to work today, since I learned that my co-worker will be off tomorrow (so I will need to be at work all day on Thursday and cover for both of us).

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Well I stayed home from work again today. My back is definitely better. I can consistently stand up now without pain. And most of time walking doesn't hurt either. (For a while each step produced pain.)

Of course my back has certainly NOT returned to "normal" as evidenced when I reached to put something into the microwave. OUCH!

And forget about picking up anything.

Bending over is also problematic.

*sigh* I dunno if I'm well enough to return to work tomorrow or not????

Monday, October 10, 2005

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

After I ate something this morning, I spent the rest of the day alternating between lying in bed to rest my back and sitting up in reclining chair with a heating pad applied to soothe the sore muscles. ARGH.

I think all that I really managed to do today was listen to the audiobook version of several chapters of Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Which, incidentally, is a VERY good book; I can highly recommend it despite the fact that the "science" in this science fiction novel is now considered wrong.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hunger Driven

Here's a quick tip for you. When hunger forces you to the supermarket but you can barely walk, grab a shopping cart.

Shopping carts make GREAT wheeled walkers. Hunched over one I managed to hobble thru the store and buy enough items to last a couple of days.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Yesterday I helped someone lift something that wasn't heavy, just awkward. It didn't hurt at the time.

Later last night, my back was aching some, but then I also had gotten soaked in the rain and I thought I was coming down with the flu which usually causes muscle aches.

So I didn't worry too much about my back. Instead I just took a couple of home remedies for cold/flu and tried to forget about it.

Big mistake. Today, the cold/flu has not materialized, but my back hurts so much that I can hardly roll over in bed. And forget about anything else.

I can't even stand upright.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Health Danger

A quote at the bottom of an online Time magazine article gave me a pause.
Just last week, the Department of Homeland Security waited five days to tell D.C. health officials that six bioterrorism sensors had detected the presence of a dangerous bacterium on the Mall, where tens of thousands of people had gathered for an antiwar demonstration. So far, there have been no confirmed cases of anyone getting sick.
I *LIVE* in the DC area. Why is this the first that I've heard about dangerous bacteria on the mall?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Floating Houses

I wish New Orleans had been built of these houses that float. It would have literally saved so many lives, so much grief, and property loss. *sigh*

via boingboing

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This asinine stupidity makes me ashamed to be from Indiana.
The change in Indiana law to require marriage as a condition for motherhood and criminalizing "unauthorized reproduction" was introduced at a summer meeting of the Indiana General Assembly's Health Finance Commission on September 29 and a final version of the bill will come up for a vote at the next meeting at the end of this month.
On the other hand, it may be why I'm FROM Indiana instead of residing IN Indiana even though, I own property there.

via boingboing

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Goblet of Fire

According to a Canadian based website the official Harry Potter Goblet of Fire movie poster has been selected.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes to theatres on November 18th

Great! I can hardly wait for the next Harry Potter movie to open.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Somebody just rowed across the Atlantic Ocean. ROWED!?! And he wasn't the first to do it either:
A British rower has set a record for the slowest-ever Atlantic crossing, coming ashore in southern England Friday, 124 days after leaving North America.

The time was a disappointment, considering the 23-year-old rower, Oliver Hicks, had hoped to break the record of 62 days for the fastest west-to-east crossing.
Why have I never heard of anyone doing this before? Sheesh.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Serenity Movie Review

I'd like to give you my review of the Serenity movie, which I saw today.

However, I CANNOT give you my opinion without also giving major SPOILERS (ie. revealing too much of the story).

So if you don't mind reading spoilers, go read my review of the movie.

If you're part of that vast majority of people who want to avoid spoilers at all costs, then, well, that's your choice.

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