random thoughts and trivia

Saturday, December 06, 2003


We got *MORE* snow today! *sigh* I'm definitely staying home all day today. Nope, I'm not going anywhere.

So to amuse myself, I spent most of the day online. :)   Among the places I surfed, was one memorable site that I'd visited before called the T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S Project. The site documents the experiments of one intrepid scientific team testing, measuring, and probing their test subjects -- Hostess twinkies.

Now before you start wondering what idiot would fund such research, let me hasten to add that I believe it was funded by the researchers (er college students at Rice University) themselves.

The experiments were always performed using only accepted scientific principles (such as always having a "control" matched with each test subject, etc.).

My favorite experiment was, of course, the one to establish whether or not twinkies are sentient. Go. READ! Learn whether they are or not.

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