random thoughts and trivia

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Royal Wedding

I watched coverage of the Royal Wedding today on CNN. Or rather part of it. I crashed (the coverage began VERY EARLY for me) and fell asleep before it was over. However I did get to see the bride and groom enter the guild hall and leave as a married couple.

Actually I have to agree with some of the other comments, Prince Charles seemed to have a genuine smile on his face as they exited. He seemed really happy for the first time that I can recall.

I'd like to wish Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall a long and happy married life together.

In my opinion it's been too long in coming. I can't say I approve of all that's happened in the past, but I am very glad that they have finally legalized their relationship and hope that the public fully accepts the new royal couple.

Oh and one more thing, I thought Anderson Cooper and Becky Anderson the CNN reporters covering the wedding festivities looked a cute couple themselves. Wonder if they're both single?

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