random thoughts and trivia

Friday, July 08, 2005

London Followup

Hmmm, a lot of other people seem to be familiar with the blogger who wrote an account of his experience of being in a subway car next to one which blew up. He's a former magazine staffer so I dunno if my guess as to his age was wrong or if a computer games type of magazine employs staff younger than your average magazine (maybe both)???

Anyway a lot of other people are praising his first person account.

Zoe whose three brothers either live, work, or were visiting in that area (of the tube attacks) at the time, has finally heard from all of them and they are fine.

And I heard from a friend of mine who, I think, lives in a London suburb, and always uses public transportation. She said she was 20 miles or so away from that area at the time; so likewise she's ok.

I'm perhaps inclined to overreact since I live in the Washington DC area where we had first the 9/11 attack on the pentagon, then a series of anthrax laced letters contaminating the mail system that delivers MY MAIL, and as if that wasn't enough, the DC area snipers were randomly targeting people quite near where I live and work. (One of the victims was shot across the street from a co-worker's home.)

And as I later learned, the snipers were regularly using a highway just a mile from my residence as they travelled about from location to location.

The British seem so much better at taking acts of terrorism in stride than me (maybe from long experience first from the Blitz and then the IRA).

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