random thoughts and trivia

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Movie Critiques

Here's a thoughtful review of a current movie, (War of the Worlds), which I did NOT and do NOT intend to see. This guy is just a regular sci-fi fan (ie. not a professional reviewer).

And yet his remark:
One of the main concepts of the book, radio show, previous films, etc. is that mankind cannot stop the invaders. Nothing we throw at them works. The piece is, in fact, a lesson in humility for us. It's the ultimate power of the story.

... [in the new version] ... prior to the collapse of the machines, we're shown that man CAN defeat the invaders.
sorta alludes to my reason for skipping this movie. -- Ie., in my opinion, movie remakes are NEVER AS GOOD AS THE ORIGINAL!!! NEVER!!!

They are total waste of the studio's money and my time. Maybe the director and actors reap the benefit of being employed, but even their time would be much better served working on a NEW PROJECT not a #%@#-up of an already existing (often classic) movie.

Spoiler-- Shame on you if you haven't read the book or seen an earlier version -- but so you don't worry: our microscopic allies rescue us.

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