random thoughts and trivia

Tuesday, August 23, 2005



Here's a link to a site with photos of cats in sinks. If you don't understand why most of them seem so contented in the photos, it's due to a quirk of cat psychology.

Cats feel comfortable in an open box because they're protected on several sides. Cats like that feeling that no one can attack them without warning from the side. And if they keep their eyes open, they can see any adversaries coming.

Remember cats are predators, so maybe they're aware that they COULD be something bigger's prey themselves.

In my opinion, the small sinks are like a box where the cat feels protected. So long, that is, as no one turns on the tap; since cats are notorious for NOT liking water.

(Yes, if you can't already guess, I'm an adoptive cat-mother.) You've already seen a photo of Faux-Leo (what a baby pix of Leo would have resembled). The Cats in Sinks web site has a photo which looks like Py that I've stol...er... "borrowed".

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