random thoughts and trivia

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Normally I don't go around flaming people but I just flamed another blogger. Honestly, I was provoked. She just pushed all my buttons.

Politically of the nut variety anyway, she first spouted off calling herself fat in a pix (where she clearly was of a normal weight) AND then went on to write how disgusted she was by a severely obese individual; snarking about how disgusted she was that he didn't lose it all etc.

I called her an asshole and went on to point out that people who naturally are of a normal weight simply do NOT understand the problems that people with medical conditions have when they must fight their bodies to lose weight. To show how idiotic and unsympathetic that blogger and her readers are one of them suggested concentration camps as a diet aid.

The really funny thing was that someone else commenting after me, indicated how unintelligent I was for disagreeing with her at a time when my link pointed to the previous article where I was commenting on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity versus his Special Theory of Relativity -- thus showing how STUPID the other commenter was. *rofl*

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