random thoughts and trivia

Friday, September 09, 2005


Well first the worm attacked a computer of mine taking it offline just when it was most needed; then Katrina struck and most of the Gulf Coast was wiped out; I had a big argument with my boss over the frivolous rearrangement of equipment because someone else wants it's floorspace; the cable news began showing the conditions that thousands of people were needlessly put thru (and which had I been there *I* would not have survived) at the New Orleans superdome and convention center "shelters"; then the efforts I put into a project at work were rejected and an "expert" was hired; the post office delivered an overnight express envelope with a payment check FOUR DAYS late and the addressee sends me a letter suggesting legal action for non-receipt of the payment plus a hefty late charge; I work the third evening (in as many weeks) until almost midnight; and I miss the Firefly episode yet again because it's scheduled too early on Friday nights.

Then I go for a semi-annual appointment with my endocrinologist and guess what he discovers? My blood pressure is high. Gee I wonder how that happened...

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