random thoughts and trivia

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

More Airline "Safety"

Why am I not comforted by the fact that air marshals shot and killed a man for running OFF an airplane in a panic?

Maybe because I'm (at best) a nervous flyer myself and can easily picture someone else just wanting to get off a crowded flight.

And then too, there's the fact that I saw on TV one witness who reported that the man had said there's a bomb on the plane, NOT THAT HE HAD A BOMB himself!

What if the guy had been a psychic? Or in this case, someone mentally ill who just (in his panic) feared that there was a bomb or something else threatening on that plane?

And for this an air marshal killed him?

Well, it sure looks that way to me!

Yet again I am faced with the prospect that I do NOT want to fly in a plane at any point in the near future. It just isn't SAFE!!!!

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