random thoughts and trivia

Friday, February 02, 2007

As I Was Saying ...

Or rather as I WASN'T saying, it has been literally months since my last blog entry. And you might have wondered what's up with that?

Well, I've been busy; or under stress; or exhausted; or some combination of all that; and more too. Let's see I DID participate in NaNoWriMo again this past November and I did technically "win" the challenge but since I employed so many "cheats" in order to inflate my word count that (like their website warns) it doesn't even feel worth claiming as a victory. So I think I'll forgo posting the 2006 NaNoWriMo Winner logo this time.

Probably the most noteable event is that I've just retired. Yes I was a bit young to be doing that -- although technically I had already been eligable for over a year as I had noted in a previous blog post.

I'm not positive that it was the right thing to do at this point since if I worked longer my retirement income would have been higher. On the other hand, one sleepless night I found myself counting all the reasons that I had for retiring now (rather than later) and when the number reached over two dozen I was somewhat reassured that it wasn't an entirely foolish choice to be making.

The list of reasons themselves ranged from the mundane to the life altering. Some quite personal but many others very typical of any workplace. Too much stress from others trying to climb the corporate ladder by stomping on the backs of their subordinates and/or co-workers; a corporate CEO relentlessly driving my employer in a direction likely to sink the whole shebang; shifting job responsibilies; stupid nigling sbout inconsequental matters; etc. etc.

The whole situation made my insomnia worse (perhaps also being the root cause of it) so much so that I felt my health was suffering for it. And, well, in the end, it just seemed easier to leave than to try to struggle onward. (And due to a quirk in the system, quitting versus retiring just wasn't possible.)

Perhaps I'll feel differently about it in a few months and/or it may prove to have disasterous financial consequences, I dunno.

At the moment I'm still endevoring to tidy up all the loose ends involved in actually retiring such as getting the necessary paperwork done properly and cleaning out my office.

In a few days or weeks I may find that my natural laziness has come to the forefront and I'll enjoy not having to do ANYTHING...

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