random thoughts and trivia

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lower Expectations

Economic Tip#
4. Lower Expectations

By this I mean you need to lower the expectations of your standard of living. I read once that well over half of the USA population viewed themselves as members of the upper middle class. Even though by definition more than half of the population CANNOT all be members of the upper middle class.

Once you are more realistic about just what class/position you're in, you're going to be better able to realistically live within your income.

Or to put it another way, if you're middle class, lower middle class, or even a member of the lower class, then you have no business expecting to live in a so-called McMansion, sending your kids to be most expensive private schools (unless they qualify for full scholerships), wearing designer clothes, etc.

And trying to maintain that standard of living by going further into debt is a sure-fire recipe for personal economic disaster.

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